Splinter Cell: Pandora Tommorow ranking system changes
Friday, May 28 2004
Xbox Live update changes ranking system slightly.
A couple of weeks ago, an Xbox LIVE auto-update occurred for Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow that improved a number of features and fixed some bugs.
Due to this, the ranking system will slightly change. Another thing to note is that all players scores will be put back to zero on either Friday, 5/28 or Monday, 5/31. We would like gamers to know that this is not a decision that was taken lightly. We are aware that resetting the scores will be frustrating for some people. However in the end, given the ranking problems we have noticed (and were corrected in the last auto-update), we are convinced that this is the best solution.
About the ranking system:
The range of levels against which you can now gain or lose points has increased.
Here are a few examples.
- playing against two guys of the same level --> gain or lose between 9 and 11 points - playing against two guys ranked 5 levels less --> gain 4 or 5 points or lose 15 or 16 points - playing against two guys ranked 5 levels more --> gain 15 or 16 points or lose 4 or 5 points - playing against two guys ranked more than 10 levels less --> gain 0 points or lose 19 or 20 points - - playing against two guys ranked more than 10 levels more - gain 19 or 20 points, or lose 0 or 1 points.
About Level Gap option:
To optimize your score, you can use the Level Gap option. This option specifies against which type of players you want to play. If you are level 8 and specify a level gap of 2, only people ranked between 6 and 10 will see your game session in optimatch results. So only these people will be able to join your game session. Now the competition can start again. May the best player win!!